Thursday, April 29, 2010

There are times like today when I can’t begin to count my blessings for having dear friends. One, whom was with me in Atlantic City, knew just how trying that entire trip was for me and have texted back and forth with me ever since in an attempt to get my head screwed back on straight.

Now, I’m not sure about the rest of you, but I sometimes find it impossible to put my head back on straight when something’s really messed me up. And it’s times like those when, out of the blue, a needed friend will appear to help.

It’s rare for me to not pick myself up after getting continuously knocked down, but there are times. And the after effects of this Atlantic City trip robbed me of the energy to pick myself up again. Enter my friend. It was humbling how that person, although living in a different state, swept in and scooped my up to gently place me back on my feet.

That’s what a true friend does. They don’t need to be asked. Aren’t looking for accolades. They do it out of the truest devotion to another, one whom it hurts them to see torn apart. And that’s what this friend did.

Individually, we are both rather goofy, sarcastic and find it difficult to not crack jokes. Together…watch out! But we also realize instinctually when the other needs to be serious. And today was one of those days. So, hour after hour of our cross-texting one another passed. And as we neared the end of the day, my friend couldn’t help but slip in being silly. And what a breath of fresh air that was. Put a total different perspective on things. Not that wounds still don’t need time to heal, they do. But the silliness created a cathartic respite from having to deal with all that had transpired and the lasting impressions.

I’ve written before of how there are certain friends of mine whose voices I can “hear” when they write to me. This friend is one of those, and it was a joy to “hear” the laughter in their voice when they knew they’d accomplished what they’d set out to do—place me firmly on my feet.

To that friend, I say a heart-felt THANK YOU!!! You’re one in a million!

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