Friday, February 1, 2013

In life, there are things we’d rather not deal with but must. Sometimes, those occur on a daily basis. Or with individuals we’d rather avoid. But we’re grown ups—least most of the time.


With that distinction comes the knowledge there’s no sense losing our cool to insignificant things over which we have no control. Better if we take the mature approach, oft translating to the professional one, to figure the most effective solution with the least collateral damage.

Seems simple enough. And yet, not sure about others, but I routinely find myself marveling over how I struggle with this concept. Not that I don’t get along with folks. I get along just fine. Or that I’m incapable of acting mature. Have been doing so the majority of my life. It’s just that every once in a while my path crosses with an individual or individuals who make me literally take a step back, scratch my head and question, are they for real?

You know the type to whom I’m referring. They’re the ones who make the most ridiculous requests. They can also mishandle professional dealings to such an extent as to make you wonder how the heck they ever got where they are. These are the ones who try our patience. Who make us count to ten while we try to laugh off whatever inanities they’re behind.

And yet, it’s all part of the process. Learning to deal with these difficult individuals is what sets us apart. Show how capable we are of controlling ourselves. It also helps strength our resolve that we can and will manage to muddle our way through trying situations with challenging individuals—one way or another.

Why? Simple. It’s called life and has its price. As with all things, nothing comes free.
So, though there are things we’d rather not deal with, we must. Sometimes, those occur on a daily basis. Or with individuals we’d rather avoid. But we’re grown ups—least most of the time, so we find whatever skills necessary to not only cope but to also see us through. And sometimes…just sometimes, it helps to be reminded that all this is normal. 

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