Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Taking a break from posting more of my latest story, Learning Lea.

There are reasons we follow our inner promptings. Why we strive to achieve our goals. Follow our dreams…wherever they may lead us…. Today reminded me of that in big band, techni-color brilliance that had me smiling the remainder of the day.

It began with something simple. I needed to find a notary. Not something one needs every day. But when needed, it cannot be avoided. So I searched my brain for where I’d seen one located—a little postal shop that’s been able to serve my needs since I moved here.

When I arrived, there was a person in front of me. Came my turn, and I inquired if they had a notary on premises. The woman I asked, smiled and pointed to the man—the owner—standing beside her, who was helping another customer. I’d seen this man and he’d helped me on numerous occasions. Pleasant, easy-going and eager to help, he looked up at me and said, “I’ll be with you in three minutes and half a beer.”

My brain spun out at the half a beer comment, but recovering quickly, I joked, “It takes you a whole three minutes to down half a beer?”

The owner didn’t miss a beat and shot back, “No, three minutes to finish with this customer than thirty seconds to throw back half the beer.”

I laughed, knowing I’d been outwitted. A second later, another employee came out holding two longneck bottled beers, each in an insulator sleeve. He looked at me and said, as if it were the most natural thing in the world, “Can I get you one?”

At this point, I just burst out laughing, thrilled at having followed my instincts to move here—to my unique locale that closely mimics a tropical paradise mentality.

For the past thirty years, I’ve wanted to live in this area. Why? Simple. Today’s experience reminded me that one a person could go back in time—to simpler times. Ones where folks take care of one another. Appreciate their neighbors. Enjoy life and just plain don’t allow the every day hustle and bustle to get to them. Ya know…the way it used to be—thirty years or so ago.


Who would’ve thought that places like this still existed—in Southern California? I would, cause I’ve spent every available amount of time I could visiting up here for just the very reason that I like how things used to be. When things were simpler. Folks cared about one another. Enjoyed life. Meant and did what they said. Ya, know…when folks could be counted on.

Smiling and appreciative, I turned down the beer I’d been offered. And for the next half hour, I had the most enjoyable time, joking and laughing with the storeowner, his two employees and the other customer—also a published author—who was an absolute hoot.

Just goes to show. If one follows their inner promptings and strives remain true to their goals, things tend to be a heck of a lot more enjoyable—even the simpler ones, like getting a legal document notarized.  

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