Monday, February 11, 2013

For the past twelve years, I’ve looked forward to seeing “my” hummingbirds up-close-and-personal each and every day. How up close have they been? Well, for those who have followed my blog for any length of time, you’ll probably recall my postings on how mommy hummingbirds feel safe enough to build their nests right next to my windows so that I get to watch the whole process of them laying eggs—always two at a time—the attentive mommy keeping the eggs warm, the eggs hatching, babies growing and eventually flying off to begin their own lives, though never far from my windows.

When I moved, I was excited to learn that a mommy hummingbird had taken up residence the previous year on my property as evidenced by her now vacant nest. I’d see her flitting from flower to flower in my yard and would smile. Though I usually don’t disturb existing nests, hers from last year had to be removed, for it was a mere two and a half feet off the ground at one end of my dog run. No way my dogs would’ve left the nest, mommy and babies alone.

So, I removed the vacant nest back in September, hoping that the mommy would decide to build this year’s nest again on my property. Much to my delight, she did, two months later. Then came her laying two tiny eggs. I was so excited I could hardly stand it, delighted that again I’d get to watch to wonder of baby hummingbirds hatch out right before my eyes.

All had been going well…until…this past weekend. Mommy hummingbird was diligent, attending to her unhatched eggs, keeping them just the right temperature. But then, one morning, I noticed that Mommy hummingbird hadn’t returned.

At first, I wasn’t too worried, as she would sit on her nest all night to keep the eggs warm, only to set out once daylight broke and temperatures began to warm, to get food for herself. But hour after hour passed. And with each hour punctuated by no Mommy hummingbird, I began to fear the worst.

Three days have passed now, each night dipping into super low temperatures. There’s been no sign of Mommy hummingbird to roost on her eggs. So, I fear, this year won’t be celebrated by the wonderment of baby hummingbirds hatching out on my property.

So sad….

Hopefully, the unborn babies didn’t suffer too much and another mommy hummingbird will opt to make my property her home—next nesting season. 

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