Friday, Sept. 14, 2012

As I reported a couple of weeks back, this last year was wrought with challenges and major life changes due to my divorce.  As such, some things had to change that I would have preferred wouldn’t have.  One of those was my website needed to go to a new host thanks to Apple making changes and shutting down previously offered options.  In addition, I lost my Webmaster, who happened to be my ex, and had to learn how to take over my own blog. 

Had my life not been in such a state of flux and if I hadn’t been in such a dazed state, I would’ve been better equipped to handle the transfer of sites in a more seamless fashion.  But as it turned out, I wasn’t and my blog has suffered the consequences.  Why?  Because a good number of my long-term readers no longer were aware of how or where to locate my blog. 

So…kind of like how my life has had to start over again, so too is my blog.  I’ve no doubt that I’ll build it back to the readership I once had—even stronger now that I have recovered from and made it through my turbulent divorce waters.  I do thank those readers who continued on with me!  Know that I’m dedicated to rebuilding my readership here—and elsewhere—and will now take the necessary steps to do so. 

I feel a sense of responsibility to provide for you the best blogs I can.  That’s what drives me to post a daily blog.  To keep it upbeat, even when I’m not feeling so.  Most of all, that’s why I endeavor to post only positive-based topics, to create a time and space in your/ my day where we can escape life’s more negative aspects—if only for a few minutes—to focus on something uplifting.  And so, I gift you my blogs….  After all, if it weren’t for you dedicated readers, where would I be? 


  1. Your blog address appears to be the same address as always. All I do is type in It used to redirect to your Apple's iWeb service, which I heard they discontinued earlier this year. Your address now seamlessly redirects visitors to your blogspot address now.

  2. Hey Eli O,

    Yes, that was a nice touch my then Webmaster set up so as to help things run more smoothly. But...if folks don't type that in or had the old one saved and now try to click on it, they get the message that it no longer exists without any way for me to have given a forwarding address. Frustrating that Apple set it up that way....

  3. Always love reading your blog. Makes my day. I had your old URL in my RSS feed but when it went away, the RSS just switched to and then switched again to blogspot, so I think it's all good. Whatever your ex, ahem, slash, webmaster worked.

  4. Hey Tracy,

    Awesome to hear that the RSS automatically switched! : -) We were informed that it wouldn't. And at the time, I was far too overwhelmed with everything else to put out notices of the impending new blog locale.
