Friday, Sept. 21, 2012

Writing is like a living legacy to a writer.  The words we scribe are infused with our thoughts, emotions, sensibilities, passions, etc.  We share for many reasons and about many subjects.  Sometimes, we feel inclined to censor what we share, not wanting or feeling it’s appropriate for everyone to know all about us.   I believe that one of the biggest reasons writers have the courage, ambition and drive to jot down the thoughts that tumble around their heads is to be remembered. 

Think of it this way, so long as we’re remembered, we remain alive.  Not literally, but figuratively.  For even after we’re dead and gone, so long as our writing lives on—brings smiles, screams and joy to those who read it—then we aren’t forgotten.  And so long as we’re not forgotten, we go on living—our spirit does anyway.

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