Sunday, Sept. 23, 2012

There are times when life throws us wonderful breadcrumbs.  Today was one of those.  My oldest daughter was visiting from out of state and wanted to drop in today for a visit.  Of course, I told her I’d be thrilled to have her come, spend some time together and have her see my new house. 

Already excited about the prospect of seeing my one daughter, I got a bonus when she texted me, already en route to my house, that her younger sister was coming as well.

What a great surprise! 

My youngest daughter and granddaughter were supposed to come and stay with me a week after I moved in.  Unfortunately, she cancelled that trip.  Made me sad, but I understood.  Then she rescheduled for a few days later.  Again, my heart soared at the prospect of spending some time with my daughter and granddaughter.  But alas…she had to cancel that trip as well….  Again, my heart sank.

So today’s surprise visit by her and her older sister was a double bonus.  One I was beyond excited about.  They weren’t able to stay for long—only a few hours.  But it was still wonderful to see them. 

Since I moved, I’ve missed them.

Was fun to just sit and chat, show them my house and then drive them to a nearby larger beach where we strolled the boardwalk, a cool fog having enveloped the beach.  From the boardwalk, we walked to the end of the pier, hoping to catch sight of the giant starfish my youngest son and I had seen the week before. 

Unfortunately, the tide had risen too much for us to catch glimpses of them on the pier pilings.  I commented that my daughters would just have to come back so we could try to see the starfish another time.  My oldest daughter joked that yeah, right, the only reason she’d come back was to see the starfish.


Today was a great day!  One that made my heart soar.  Was wonderful to see my girls and spend some time with them.  With any luck, we’ll have more time to spend together next time….  


  1. That sounds like a wonderful surprise. What a nice Sunday.

  2. I hope you had a great time with your girls. It certainly sounds like you did!

  3. A very nice surprise indeed. Glad they could break away and get to see you.

  4. Hey Tracy,

    Me too! Was great to just hang out with them.... : -)

  5. Hey Anonymous,

    On a scale of 1-10, this was a top of the list surprise! : -)
