Monday, January 14, 2013

Not sure about how others wake up, but I stumble my way to the coffee pot, not much registering in my brain until I take my first sip. So, imagine my surprise when, after having drank one and a half larger mugs of coffee, what to my wondering eyes should appear on my hallway wall but the images captured in the video I’ve attached with this blog.

Though I’ve lived in my house four months now, I’ve never witnessed this phenomenon before. And, had I not noticed it in the five-minute window it occurred, I wouldn’t have seen it at all.

Nothing like a full color spectrum dancing on the hallway wall to capture my full attention. When I saw it, I had to stop and stare, blinking my eyes several times, wondering if what I was seeing was real or some figment of my still sleep-filled brain acting out in Technicolor on my wall.


In record time, my brain snapped fully awake with me rushing for my camera, lest my houseful of still sleeping guests think I’d hallucinated the whole thing. Satisfied that I’d gotten some great pictures and also this video and realizing that my rainbow wall image was waning, I tried to figure out just what was causing it. 

In my living room—the adjoining room to this hallway—I have a vaulted ceiling with two solar tubes that let in additional light. In each of those solar tubes is some sort of lens that spreads the light over a broader area than with traditional skylight’s. From what I could decipher, the lens from the farthest solar tube caught and refracted the light just so as to create the dancing full color spectrum on my hallway wall.

Super cool!

Since this video, I haven’t again witnessed my dancing wall rainbow, though I’ve looked for it. Must be that the exact conditions existed that day and time to create the wonderful rainbow display I captured on video and am sharing here.

Hope you enjoy these images, and I wonder if anyone else has ever witnessed something similar.

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