Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Prior to my taking a much-needed hiatus over the holiday, I’d begun posting bits of my latest story, Learning Lea. Today, I’ll repost all excerpts I’d previously posted. This will refresh folks’ memory of what’s happened in the story before I carry on with it.

Without further delay, here’s what I’d already posted.

Learning Lea

Lea rolled onto her side, the mattress creaking in the process. Her legs curled close to her body, her feet intertwined. A chill caught Lea, causing her muscles to flex. She was careful to prevent her razor sharp nails from slicing through the sheets and fought the urge to shiver, lest she wake Carl who spooned her from behind. She didn’t want to alert him to her distress…not again…. So she lay there, as her mind raced—an incessant cesspool of thoughts and images that consumed her, leaving her no escape. In the end, that’s all Lea wanted—to escape. 
For as long as she could recall, Lea sought peace…quiet…calm—a respite from the indelible mark society and its mystery left on her. Each day, she went out in the world, became a part of it, or so it appeared to those interested enough to take a second look. That was all Lea needed—to fool onlookers long enough to leave an impression that she was one of them.
Lea scooted apart from Carl. But, as she suspected, the effort was futile, for even in his slumber, Carl sought her out. His need to touch her usually comforted Lea. But not tonight. It was at times like these that Lea needed space. 
Knowing that if she remained in bed, she had no choice, Lea let Carl touch her, attempting to numb her body to the feel of him against her. She succeeded—mostly. Relaxing a bit, the edges of her reality began to shift in and out.  Similar to the focus being adjusted on a camera lens, what Lea saw, as she lay there in the dark, became fine-tuned and then…not.
She stared up at the skylight off to her side. Tried to focus on the moonlight that streamed through its bubbled dome. They cast bands of light, which illuminated half the room. Focusing was good.  Lea felt her hands and feet relax, their nails retracting, no longer on edge, ready to shred and tear.  
It was as if she stepped out of her body and stood alongside the bed. What Lea saw didn’t surprise her, though she wished it had. Too many times she’d been here. Experienced her…change.
Lea watched her alabaster skin morph. One second it was as pure and unmarked as a china doll’s. The next, the faintest outline of texture appeared. Then came the blemishes—spots. Just a few at first. But as Lea continued to glimpse herself, the spots increased, covering her exposed flesh with a blanket of evenly spaced dark chocolate splotches, each outlined in a smudge of black, that contrasted her now golden fur.
Carl stirred behind Lea. She froze. Slowed her breathing to barely at all, focusing all her energy on maintaining the illusion that everything was all right. No need to involve Carl this time in her struggle.
Carl’s sleep-filled voice cooed, “You okay, baby?”
“Mmmhmm,” Lea replied. Her response was rushed. She answered quickly in the hopes that Carl would buy her deceit. He could be unnervingly astute—Carl. Could detect the slightest change in Lea’s tone, body language or facial expressions. Well, he could when he wasn’t half asleep. Lea hoped Carl’s groggy mind wouldn’t be as perceptive as usual and would allow him to slip back into a deep slumber. It did. Satisfied that she’d fooled Carl into believing she was fine, Lea let out the breath she’d been holding with measured care.

Stay tuned to read what happens next in Learning Lea

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