Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Think of how many we affect, when not even trying…. Think of all the good we could do if we maintained that thought as we make our way through our day. 

By actuating the best of who we are, we affect others in positive ways. But, if we focus only on our negatives, our outpouring energy will be charged with negativity that will cast a gloom over those near us.

Think of it this way. Let’s say a person has a keen sense of humor. By using that skill, they lighten the spirits of those around them, bringing out the best in them.  But, if that same humorous person withholds their skill or uses it only sparingly, then how can they fully benefit from it?

In order to allow one’s talents to shine to their fullest, a person must use them—generously and without reserve. By doing so, others will be enlightened, bringing full circle the benefits of said abilities.

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