Monday, January 21, 2013

Since today begins a new week, I thought I’d kick off the week with a new entry from my latest story, Learning Lea.  Without further ado.

Learning Lea

Carl stroked her hair.  The sensation of his hand pressing against the side of her head comforted Lea, causing her to snuggle into his touch. A soft moan escaped her throat. But as much as she enjoyed Carl’s touch, another part, one that dwelled deep within her, cried out, “No. Please. Don’t touch me with kindness. I’m not worthy. You don’t understand. The things I’ve done.... Want to do…. Think about—all the time….
Lea felt Carl scotch his body closer to hers. He pressed against her, making her aware of his arousal. “You asleep?” he asked, his voice no longer tinged with sleep. His need for her rolled off his tongue, each spoken word dripping with his desire.
No matter what Lea was feeling at the time, it all faded to a blurred oblivion whenever she heard the lust in Carl’s voice. His desire called to her like a perfect symphony, each note being played to perfection, lulling her with its precision.
Lea shivered. Not from the cold but from anticipation. “No,” she said, as she pressed her hips back, nestling their bodies closer together.
Carl nuzzled the back of her neck, tracing upward to behind her ear. Lea’s breath caught. She reached back and grabbed the outside of his thigh, its muscled definition giving way only slightly to her touch. She squeezed harder and sighed when she heard him suck in air all at once.

Tune in tomorrow to find out what happens next….

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