Monday, February 21, 2011

About a year back, I wrote about “me dates,” a concept first introduced to me by Julia Cameron in her book, The Artist’s Way. The pretense of a me date is for an individual to value themselves enough to set aside time to do something just for them. It can be as simple as getting a mug of coffee, going for a hike, strolling the mall, walking the beach or whatever floats your boat. But the main guideline is that a me date is to be spent by the individual—alone and not in conjunction with getting any actual tasks checked off their to-do list.

Today, I took one of those. Not just for a little bit, but for a good portion of the day. I needed some time to just be alone, refocus and treat myself to things that made my soul sing. So that I did!

Seeing as it was a spectacular day, I went for a run up in the mountains—one of my passions. Immediately following that, I headed to a Pilates class where I swore the instructor must have been onto the fact that I was sore from my run and tried her darnedest to do me in with the strenuous workout she had the class do. Following that, I called my best friend and we took the time to catch up with one another, sharing bits and pieces of our lives, gaining strength from the other and comparing notes on how we’re feeling.

And how do I feel now? Refreshed, revitalized and like I’m back on track. It’s a great place to be, and had it not been for my taking a me date, I’m not sure I’d be in this very special place. So I’m grateful that I could treat myself and will try to remember to do so more often.

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