Saturday, February 26, 2011

I’ve always been a glutton for being creative. Whether it’s with writing or creating things from scratch with my hands, if I’m creating something out of nothing, then I’m a happy camper. One of my favorite things to do is to take things that already are and modify them so I can use them in a completely different capacity, most often for the opposite of what they had originally been intended to be used as.

That’s what I’ve been doing today. My project has included working with wood, one of my passions. Ever since I can imagine, I’ve adored working with wood. The smell of fresh hewn wood, piles of sawdust gathering, the feedback a saw blade gives as it slices through a piece of wood are a few of my favorite things. Engaging in them has always brought me the greatest peace. Not sure why, but they have.

For years, I had an arts and crafts business where I made country wood decorations that I’d create on my scroll saw, put finishing touches on and then sell to customers across the United States. But though it was a lucrative business, I decided to close it down when working with wood became a chore instead of the passion I’d always known it to be. As soon as I retired that business, my love of working with wood returned to the fulfilling activity it had always been.

Today, as I sawed, ground and sanded away on different pieces of wood, little piles of sawdust formed under my work area. I found myself smiling at them and drawn to want to trace my fingers through that fresh-cut wood. Inhaling deeply, I drew in the scent of the various woods I’d cut and felt the greatest calm wash over me.

So, today was a great day. Got to do something I adore and find inner peace in the process.

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