Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Birthday to me!

It’s been a crazy around our house for the past few days. My husband, who was traveling in Europe, came down with some nasty I-don’t-even-know-what-it-was cold/virus/whatever while there. Then he had to fly home with said affliction, something that puts us both on edge ever since, years back, when he was similarly ill and flew home from the Orient. On that flight, the pressure drove the congestion down his eardrums. The result? Bells Palsy.

No fun.

Taking a sigh of relief that the flight hadn’t created a reoccurrence of that fateful Orient flight, he settled into being home and trying to get well. But…that didn’t go quite as planned. He did get over the European ailment he had, yet it was immediately replaced with a cold.


Then came Friday night and into Saturday morning. Our granddaughter had been suffering a cold and was teething, the results of which had been the regular symptoms. But then, her temp spiked. At 103 degrees, our daughter decided it was best to take the baby to the hospital. Six restless hours passed as hospital staff ran test after test, suspecting an infection, but finding none.

Finally, they sent her home stabilized and with a reduced fever of 101, an improvement but her still not out of the woods. Since being home, the baby, as expected, is too miserable to want to eat, sleep or do anything other than look at us with that do-something-to-make-me-feel-better look, the one that melts my heart.

Throw into that, my birthday today, Valentines’ Day tomorrow and the baby’s mother’s birthday the following day.

Whew! Busy times, indeed!

But we’re doing what we Hanna’s do best. We’re digging in and getting through it. My husband is feeling better today. Kai, did get a little food in her and has slept a bit more. My birthday was celebrated, and we’ll celebrate the upcoming events. Some might question why we’d do the latter. My answer, because if we don’t make an effort to celebrate the good things in life, then what will provide us the fuel needed to get through the tougher stuff?

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