Saturday, February 12, 2011

There’s something extra cool about feeling the love of your friends. Sure we know they love us, that they tell us, that they do little things to show us. But to feel their love…that’s pretty amazing!

That’s been happening to me over the past couple of days, and it humbles me. Sunday is my birthday. Friends have organized a special celebration for me and another friend beginning tonight. I say beginning tonight, as my friend’s birthday is today. So we’ll celebrate their special day until midnight when my festivities will kick in.

To me, birthdays are super significant, for they are when we get to honor their meaning—the birth of that special someone. Yes, we do and say things throughout the year to show our appreciation and love, but the day—the actual birthday—that’s paramount for me.

I wrote earlier this week that over a six-day period, our family has a lot of birthdays and Valentines Day thrown in for good measure. Some seemed surprised that we go to the effort to make each and every actual birthday a recognized celebration. To me, I couldn’t imagine doing it any other way, for it’s the actual birthday that brought that special someone into the world. And had they not been born, they wouldn’t be such an integral part of my life. And so, yes, I celebrate their birth, existence and special place in my heart on their actual birthday, allowing them to feel my love in the process.

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