Tuesday, February 8, 2011

It’s funny how life is cyclic. How we go along in our usual routines, day after day, things falling into place, our motivation where it should be. But then one day, whammo, something rocks all of that out of alignment.

When I went in for surgery four months ago, I as aware that a side effect of the anesthesia might be temporary writer’s block, something I had never experienced and wasn’t looking forward to should it strike. But, as I do with most things, I jumped in with both feet, maintaining a positive well-if-it-happens-it-happens attitude.

As it turns out, I was affected, though not right away, which I found fascinating. Another writer friend of mine, having had surgery a few months prior, had also been struck with a case of writer’s block. And since my surgery, I’ve spoken to still more writer friends who have been blocked, not due to anesthesia, but other factors.

As days turned into weeks with my still being blocked, I thought I might become frustrated. But just the opposite occurred. Being made privy that my other writer friends were experiencing the same blockage, I gained comfort and a deep sense of calm, knowing that this was merely part of a cycle that would come to an end. And I knew that when it did, I would again write with the ease I’m accustomed.

So, I bided my time, honed my writing skills and focused on research and other aspects of writing—the behind-the-scenes stuff. Now, several months later, I’m finally getting the itch to create new material. Story ideas are popping into my head, as are revision ideas for the final book in The Little Girl Lost Trilogy.

Do I think my time has been well spent? Yes. Did I get the third book out when I had hoped? No, but that’s okay, for in the interim, I’ve experienced other parts to the cycle and have grown not only as a writer but also as a person through the process. In the end, that growth will translate into my future writings. Can’t wait to see where this takes me!

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