Wednesday, February 17, 2011

There are days like today, when I’m warm and toasty, sitting in my office getting work done while looking out the window at the nasty weather outside. Of course, the constant mantra running through my mind is that I need to go for a run, get my miles in. But…looking outside again, I cringe at the nastiness that would await me out there. Then I bring up the weather site I have programmed into my computer. Clicking on the hourly forecast, I hope to see some improvement. There isn’t any.

As the day winds down, I find myself torn, wanting to go for a run but not wanting to be outside where it’s cold, raining, etc. I hem and haw, get a few more items checked of my to-do list and then it’s that time—the point of no return where I either bite the bullet and go for the run or stay inside, knowing I’ll be warm but will ultimately regret my decision.

My internal coach kicking in, I suck it up, put on my cold weather running gear, complete with mittens, and head out. The minute I do, the chilling blast of air my lungs takes in is shocking but somehow refreshing. The wind whips my ponytail here, there and everywhere. And I settle into running up into the hills where I know that it will be colder, but that’s okay, for I’m prepared with my clothing.

Cresting the summit to a hill, I round a corner and then spot it—the gift that has been waiting for me to come and witness it. There, spread out before me, is the most incredible sight. Armed with nothing but the camera on my phone, I stop to snap a few photos, hoping one—just one—will do justice to the beauty before me.

The picture that accompanies today’s blog is the one that best captured what I saw. How there seemed to be a ball of flames inside the clouds while the rest of the clouds looked to have fiery flames rolling through them that appeared to want to join forces with the giant ball of flames.

Having taken my pictures, I pause to truly admire the show Mother Nature is putting on, the one that had I stayed inside, I might never have born witness to. And so, standing there at the crest of that hill, I give thanks for following my instinct to override my desire to stay indoors and head out into the elements.

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