Friday, June 4, 2010

I’m here in Florida, for the second day now and have found myself in a bunch of conversations about relationships—the chemistry between folks. Now I’m not talking about from a sexual standpoint. No, what I’m referring to is the unique bond that has no rhyme or reason as to why certain individuals are drawn to one another.

As my conversations continued on the subject, those I engaged with delved deeper, indicating that there are times when chemistry will be present and other times when it will not. And the latter can be due to where each person’s emotional and mental standing is at that particular moment. As such, we discussed how at one meeting folks can have a great experience with one another—the chemistry clicking into place, while at other times, due to extenuating circumstances, that chemistry will prove evasive, causing the bond to possibly falter.

In the end, we decided that the best thing to do is not write people off when that happens, reasoning that we’re all human, have our fallible moments and need to be flexible and patient enough for things to turn around.

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