Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I have a life philosophy that people shouldn’t jump to conclusions. That they should go with the flow. That they should seek to have fun. That they shouldn’t look for hidden agendas as there most likely aren’t any and looking for them will only create them.

This is a practice I strive to achieve every day. Some days I succeed, others I fall short, overwhelmed by life and situations I find myself in. But that’s okay. I don’t expect myself to be perfect and hope that in the end everything will balance out.

For me, I’ve learned that when I allow myself to get caught up in drama and over analyze things to the point that I’m searching for hidden agendas, all I manage to accomplish is to heap more stress and difficulties on my plate. But when I chill out and take things at face value, with my only expectation being to have a good time, things have an amazing way of falling into alignment to create favorable situations.

People I come interact with seem more agreeable. Tasks manage to get accomplished with minimum effort. And the hiccups and speed bumps that can afflict daily life, although they may still be present, seem to lose some of their significance.

And this is a good thing! It lets me know that on those days, I’ve succeeded in my objective to avoid jumping to conclusions. Go with the flow. Strive to have fun. Avoid looking for hidden agendas. And those…they are my best days.

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