Thursday, June 17, 2010

Based on a comment made, Tuesday, by one of the women in my weekly critique group, I became driven to devour information about Indigo and Crystal children/adults. What I have discovered is fascinating, enlightening and saddening.

Indigo individuals have been recorded as being present for the past 100 years, while Crystals have only appeared since the year 2000, although some have shown up prior to that.

In short, what defines an individual as Indigo or Crystal? They are a collection of individuals who function, relate and understand things on a higher plane than the general population. They do not fit into the tidy categories modern science uses to label people. As such, they are often misdiagnosed as ADD, ADHD, Autistic, etc. when nothing could be further from the truth.

To ad insult to injury, as a means to “control” Indigos and Crystals, the medical profession often medicates or sedates them in an attempt to force conformity to the norms of society’s thinking. God, what a travesty! By inebriating that which makes the Indigo and Crystal unique, officials effectively amputate their high-level sensitivity, spiritual gifts and warrior energies.

In my opinion, this represents society’s shallow-minded thinking that makes them fearful of anything they can’t explain, understand or control. What a waste! Instead of exerting tremendous amounts of energy trying to conform others to the status quo, so much more could be learned if there was openness to learning about higher thinking. You know, thinking outside the box.

If you’d like to learn more about Indigo and Crystal children/adults, please go to or Google “Indigo and Crystal Children/Adults.” You may be surprised by what you discover.

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