Saturday, June 5, 2010

I’ve been having a lot of conversations with folks while here in Florida about how people get out of a situation what they put into it. For example, if an individual enters a setting with the frame of mind that it’s going to be bad, that they won’t have any fun, or that people won’t like them, then that’s usually what translates into reality.

While discussing this with friends, we came to the conclusion that this is due to the person emitting a negative vibe that others pick up on. As such, out of consideration, people give the negative-emitting individual a wide berth. This isn’t due to them being mean or insensitive—quite the opposite.

What my friends and I discerned while picking this subject apart is that most people are empathetic to what others are going though and will try to give an individual who’s having a tough time some extra space. Not as a mean’s to ostracize them, though that is what tends to be the result, but out of a sense of wanting to allow the person space and time to come to terms with whatever they’re going through.

Having said this, it’s important for folks to recognize their own part in how things play out. How others treat them. That if they’re having a bad experience while those around them are having a good time, then perhaps it’s time to take a closer look at what their demeanor might be emitting to others.

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