Sunday, June 6, 2010

Today was a sad day. I had to say “good-bye” to my sis—always tough, but this time especially so. Usually we save bidding one another farewell to the very last, and today was no exception. Why? Because when we have to envision saying those dreaded words that will separate us, we dissolve—and neither of us is into public displays of emotion.

Today’s parting took place in a conference room full of people and was horrible. As I stood at the front of the room, preparing to tell her how much I love her, all eyes were on me. My brain told my mouth to convey how much I love her and how much I’ll miss her as I fought with all my might to maintain my composure. The effort made my legs shake so violently that I thought they might give out.

I clenched my fists and strengthened my resolve. When that failed to stop the emotional storm within me so I could get through what I wanted/need to tell her, my voice cracked, and I had a hard time formulating my thoughts into coherent sentences.

I managed to make it through that public display only to have my sis and me fall apart as soon as we met up outside the conference room. We stood there holding one another as if that might stop time, allowing us to remain together. Our husbands watched and friends circled, drawn as they always are, by our devotion to and emotional tie to one another.

Gonna be a bit before we get to see one another again. She’s already made it home and is sadder than sad. Me, I feel as if a part of my heart has been ripped out. My “partner in crime” who I so enjoy sharing incredible moments with isn’t by my side.

But that’s okay. I know we’ll make it through until the next time we get to meet up. And in the meantime…? We’ll have to start counting down the days.

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