Tuesday, June 15, 2010

There are times when patience and distance are the best tools to mend an ailing relationship. The personalities of those involved will determine which approach works best.

For some, hashing out a problem right then and there until it is resolved is the best method for fixing things. But there are those who need to take a time out from the situation in order to collect their thoughts and cool down before they are able to effectively solve a problem. For these, patience is required. Patience to give them time, so as not to have the problem escalate into something bigger than it already is.

And for some, the need to fix a problem as soon as it presents itself can override their understanding that not everyone processes things the same as they do or as quickly or in as cool and collected a mindset—at least not at first. Some people need to distance themselves from a stressful situation in order that they might be able to objectively view it to find a solution. Someone hounding them as to what’s wrong or how they should go about fixing the problem serves no purpose other than to infuriate them.

Having the foresight to understand whom you are dealing with when approaching a volatile situation can go a long ways towards helping to expedite reconciliation. And when in doubt, exact patience and create a little distance, at least until things cool down a bit.

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