Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Taking care of one’s self. Seems simple enough, yet a vast majority fails at this task. Oh, sure, they get things checked off their “to do” list, take care of the kids, manage the affairs of their elderly and plow through the mounds of work that crosses their desks.

By the end of every day, they’re more exhausted than when they awoke. Then someone comes along and suggests that they devote more time to themselves and, after patiently explaining how they don’t have a spare moment in their day, they give up any hope of ever finding time to treat themselves.

And yet, that is exactly what they need to do if they hold out any dreams of having enough energy to make it through the demands of their everyday lives without burning out. And for those who have burned out, taking a twenty-minute respite from their schedules once a week to treat themselves can boost their mental state and thus their productivity.

How does someone who’s every minute is occupied by demands carve out twenty minutes of “me time” once a week? It won’t be easy and will require retraining that they are, in fact, worthy of this necessary task. But it can and should be accomplished by everyone.

The twenty-minute me time is just that. It is a time where the individual does something completely by themselves…for themselves. This is not a time to run an errand that will benefit others. Nor should others accompany the person on their me time, for that would defeat the purpose of the individual getting in touch with him or herself.

This is a time to go and grab a cup of coffee and treat one’s self to the privilege of sitting and reading a book while sipping their beverage. Or it could be grabbing a bite to eat at a quaint curbside café and people watching. Or it could involve a trip to a local park where the individual takes time to appreciate nature. Or, if one is into crafts, the me time could be spent going to a craft store and picking up needed items to make some project. And then the following week’s me time could be spent creating that craft.

However me time is spent is entirely up to the individual but should be solely focused on them…no one else. After treating one’s self to this treat once a week for several weeks, the individual will wonder how they ever managed to get by without treating themselves as if they were worthy of me time. As an added bonus, the mentality of the person will evolve to reflect a happier, calmer more in control individual who is capable of accomplishing more while getting less stressed in the process.

Me time…it’s one of the best ways to prioritize taking care of one’s self.

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