Saturday, May 15, 2011

I love it when friends band around one another to help one in need.  Right now, that’s what a group of us are doing.  One of our friends is having a super tough time.  Has been for a while now, but this weekend the stress level has peaked with events.  So, the rest of us are stepping up, doing what friends do, wrapping that one friend in our protective embrace and letting them know that if needed, we’ll be their strength. 
It’s heartening to see the comfort this brings our friend.  Not that there isn’t still stress.  Not that there haven’t been tears shed—lots of them.  Not that our shoulders haven’t been heavily laid upon, us grateful for the opportunity to provide comfort.  There have been non-stop texts, phone calls, emails, coordinating of schedules, hugs and time spent together to shore up this individual.  None of us would think of doing anything different, for frankly, to us, this—supporting one another—is what being a friend is all about.

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