Tuesday, May 17, 2011

As a writer, I have to temper my correspondences with folks.  For me to crank out a 400-word document takes only minutes, proofed and ready to send.  But when some receive a “quick hello” like that from me, they get a little intimidated, believing they have to try to match the length of my message.  They don’t, of course, but that’s how some feel. 
So, though my inclination is to bang out a good-sized response or message to some, I have learned to resist the urge, not wanting to make them feel uncomfortable.  There’s an added bonus to my clipping messages to folks.  By doing so, I’m able to hone one of my writing skills—saying as much a possible in as few of words as possible.
As writers, every written passage we create utilizes skills we’ve learned or helps to master those we’re working on.  And with today’s modern world, there’s a wealth of opportunities for us to write more than ever.  Think of how often you text, or shoot off a quick email or instant message someone.  Each time, you’re incorporating writing skills.   For me, I adore these opportunities to tighten up my writing and work on evoking reactions I’m hoping for that will enhance my later writing endeavors.
I’m a firm believer in practice makes perfect.  As such, I’m gonna keep practicing and practicing this writing thing in any and all forms to help better round out my writing skills.

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