Wednesday, April 11, 2011

With world and personal events that have been happening of late, I find myself taking a closer look at me, my beliefs, philosophies, ambitions etc.  I do this on a continuous basis anyhow, but now, I’m doing so on an even deeper level.  Guess you could say I’m doing more soul searching.  Measuring what I know be true against those things I believe in and innately accept to my core. 
I feel that when things go upside-down and inside out, that’s an opportunity rather than a defeat.  I view those occasions as times for me to see things a different way, or perhaps to take a closer look at how I already view them.  Not one to accept loss without a fight, I enjoy finding ways to not only achieve, but to also excel.
So when the world hands me things that challenge my sensibilities or make me take a closer look at why I might feel one way while others may have a totally different opinion, I tend to turn inward.  Do a ton of soul searching.  Ask myself a bunch of questions meant to get my noggin working on overtime in case it’s missed anything. 
Life happens.  It’s as simple as that.  One minute we’re humming along like a finely tuned machine, not missing a beat, the next…we could be faced with a speed bump that jars us.  I don’t waste time wondering why the speed bump is there or why I came in contact with it.  Instead, I’m the type that shrugs her shoulders, thinks of ways to better avoid it in the future and tries to learn all that I can from having come in contact with that speed bump.  Having done that, I then see how the speed bump might affect my beliefs, philosophies, ambitions, etc in order that I might grow from the experience.

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