Saturday, May 21, 2011

Getting up this morning when my alarm went off was no easy feat after a long day and night.  But I pulled myself out of bed and readied myself for another long day of work.  Throughout my day, I kept checking the time.  When it got to be early afternoon, I shot text messages to each of my girls, wondering when they’d be home from their separate activities, so I could arrange to be done with work and drive back from LA to meet them for our Gilmore Girls night out. 
What a night!  Though I was exhausted, having just ten minutes from the time when I walked in the door until when I had to be readied to head out again, I was excited about spending a night alone with my girls.  It’s been a super long time since the three of us have done that.  We needed the bonding time.
From the time we poured ourselves in the car, the nonstop talking began, several conversations at once, each overlapping, in our true Gilmore Girl style.  Since none of us had seen one another the entire day, and each had different adventures to tell about, we had a lot to share.
We headed to quick dinner, where we continued to talk, so we’d be sure to make it to our movie, Bridesmaids on time.  OMG, what a hilarious movie!  From the opening scene, we three were cracking up along with the full house audience around us.  Felt good to laugh that much.  To share that kind of fun with my girls. 
By the time we left the theater, each of our throats hurt from laughing so hard for the whole movie.   My girls each said Bridesmaids is their new favorite move, and I had to agree it’s a keeper.  The closer we got to home, the less animated our conversation became, each of us settling into how tired we were, yet basking in the afterglow of having spent a great evening together—just us girls.

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