Tuesday, May 24, 2011

By yesterday morning, I was beginning to have serious granddaughter withdrawals, having been gone the past two days.  I was hoping to at least say a quick hello to Kai prior to my having to head out in the morning, but alas, she was still asleep when I had to go. 
All day, she was on my mind.  How I wanted to see her and make her break into that amazing smile she does.  Hours rolled by, and my day stretched out far longer than I had anticipated it would.  Stopping to grab a quick bite to eat with two others for dinner, I spotted a couple with two young children. 
Watching them, my thoughts drifted to Kai.  When I had to get up and walk past the happy family, I paused to comment on how lovely they all were and how much I’d appreciated being able to watch their children’s’ sweet play during their meal.
My day wound down.  But when I got home, the house was quite, all asleep, including our granddaughter.  This morning, as soon as I heard Kai up, I bounded out of my office and hippity hopped my way down the hall towards her.  The second Kai caught sight of me, her face broke into that radiant smile I adore.  I smiled right along with her. 
My daughters shared how Kai must have been missing me as well, since last night she’d crawled into my darkened office in search of me.  That made my heart soar and caused me to make a decision.  Today I took off several hours from work to just hang out with our granddaughter.  I crawled on the floor with her, allowed her to use me as a human jungle gym, played with her and accompanied her mother and aunt on some errands just so I could spend more time with her. 
It was a day well spent!  Every time Kai turned around today, there I was, smiling back at her.  And her seeing me would make her face erupt into a broad grin.  By the time she went to bed this evening, I felt satisfied with the amount of time we’d spent together, and I think Kai was pretty content with our day as well.

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