Saturday, May 28, 2011

There are times when something that would normally creep me out actually intrigues me with its beauty and grace.  That was the case while I was running my mountain today.
Four miles in and cresting the summit, something up ahead caught my attention.  Slowing, I approached so as not to frighten it.  Looking down on the ground beside me, I saw a chocolate brown tarantula.  It was just moseying along, minding its own business. 
I pulled out my camera and went to take a photo of it.  But along the way of capturing a nice shot, I began to take a closer look at the spider.  I couldn’t help but notice the graceful way it moved, its legs synchronized.  I could see each and every piece of fur on its body, me being only two feet away.  Studying it closer, I noticed that the fur on its rear (do they have rears) was all rubbed off.  Don’t know what from, but the spider didn’t seem to be any worse for wear. 
I took a couple of brief videos of it crawling along, intent on its path.  And then I snapped a couple of photos.  The tarantula wasn’t the least bit scared of me and let me get to within a foot of it.  Wasn’t especially fond of getting any closer, although for the first time in my life, I did have the strange urge to reach out and pet it.  I managed to resist that temptation, however, deciding that being that close and not being creeped out was a good starting point.  I’d save petting a tarantula for another day.

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