Friday, October 28, 2011

I adore seeing the spark of enthusiasm that illuminates one’s eyes when they talk passionately about an event they’re looking forward to or something they’ve done.  So often, folks get caught up in the daily grind of hectic schedules that allow little time to reflect on those things that make life worth living.  So when I come across someone who takes the time to appreciate—really value—what he or she has done or are going to do, that makes me beam.  It’s like their enthusiasm is contagious. 

I believe that sharing our joys with others is a good thing, for it allows others the chance to become inflicted with out enthusiasm.  It might even cause them to take pause and reflect on their own situation and become more appreciative of things they’ve done, are scheduled to do or would like to try.

Bottom line…if there’s something that makes you happy, recognize its worth and have a willing spirit to share that with others rather than keeping it bottled up inside.

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