Sunday, October 2, 2011

“Life is truly known only to those who suffer, lose, endure adversity and stumble from defeat to defeat.”
Anais Nin

When I came across this quote today, I was stunned with how exactly it summed up one of my philosophies—that one cannot fully appreciate the good in life if they haven’t first trudged through the trenches, having experienced life’s woes.  When I’ve written blogs here about this theory, some have agreed with me, many more have expressed a difference of opinion. 

Perhaps it’s due to the number of circumstances I’ve endured throughout my life, or maybe it’s just what I innately believe to my core.  Whatever the reason, I’ve always believed that one cannot fully appreciate the good in life if they don’t have a measure by which to balance it.

What do I mean by this?  Simple.  If all one ever experienced were good things, those things that make life hum along, seemingly at a faster pace, then how would one know how exceptional those experiences were?  If one only endured happy things, how would they know to be elated, relieved, comforted or calmed by events?

I believe that being made to suffer, endure adversity and pick one’s self up from the ashes of defeat is what makes life’s pleasantries ring truer.  Allows them to resonate in us on a deeper level.  So for me, although I’m not a particular fan of life’s tribulations, I’ll accept them as they “season” my life, knowing that by through that acceptance, I’ll be more prepared to appreciate life’s better times.

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