Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Here’s another sample of the thoughts that tumble around in my head.  Sitting on my back patio this morning, I created and jotted this down in about five minutes.  I hope you enjoy….

The things we think we want…aren’t.
Time slips by like grains of sand
Through the constricted neck of an hourglass.

Life accelerates
Feelings slow
Like the last beats of a heart
Barely intelligible.

Realities close in
Oppressive in their totality.
Joys provide brief respites
During which we regain our breath.

Scrambling this way and that,
We attempt the improbable
To get ahead….
Just get by…. 

Chasing our dreams
Doesn’t yield what we hoped it might.
So much time spent
Though not wasted.

Knowledge has been gained
Deep insight as to who we are.
And finally we understand
The things we thought we wanted…weren’t.

Our aim now true,
We set our focus
On those things we need…not want.

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