Tuesday, October 4, 2011

As a writer, I’m forever struck with thoughts that rapid-fire their way into my mind.  They erupt as suddenly as fireworks bursting in the night’s sky, translating themselves into creative writings.  Some are lengthy.  Others, such as the one below, resonate like little ditties, playing out in my head.  On occasion, I’ve shared some of these thoughts here but not nearly as often as I’d like.  So, in an attempt to give readers a better glimpse into the inner workings of my mind, here’s a sample of something that popped into my mind earlier this morning.  I hope you enjoy….

The Rose  

Petals of hope and happiness unfurl, dewdrops of promise nourish them, while a gentle breeze allows them to bow this way and that, scattering their brilliant scent for all to enjoy.
And to the unkind….

Predicament thorns dig deep, making known their intent to always protect that which is most sacred—the treasured rose.

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