Monday, October 10, 2011

Speaking with a friend earlier today, I found myself saying, “I just don’t understand folks like that,” referring to those who lie, cheat and steal.  My friend said they did understand those people—what drives them.  When I thought about it, I realized that I did as well. 

When I took a moment to think it through, I saw that greed is what drives people that take from and cheat others out of their hard earned belongings.  Whether that is time, money, or possessions, it seems some just have a hankering for taking from others.  So, though I did understand why some do what they do, I don’t…not really.  Allow me to clarify.

It’s true that greed is a large driving force behind what makes many do the things they do.  Seems they even manage to convince themselves that what they do is okay because they’re driven to do so.  But where does that mentality stem from?  How does one become afflicted with it?  Is it something that’s gained by hanging around others with the same mentality?  Sort of like it’s catchable?  Or is it something that a person needs to make a conscious effort to adopt?  And once that choice has been made, do they spend time honing their new “skill?”
Another thing I wonder is, does a person who thinks it’s okay to lie, cheat and steal have a conscious that functions on the same plane as those of us who are opposed to those things?  Or…do unscrupulous individuals ever have it cross their minds that what they’re doing might be wrong?  Or worse…do corrupt people even care?  And if they don’t, is that too a conscious effort—their lack of caring?  Is that something that comes naturally to them or do they adopt a cold exterior as a way to shield themselves from the acts they perpetrate on others?

There are experts who spend their entire careers pondering these very thoughts never finding a clear answer.   So why should I hope to unravel the mystery myself?  Me, an untrained individual who merely has countless thoughts bumbling around in her head that need to find a way out. 

Like those experts, I find my mind wrapping itself in an intricate web of tangled knots, none of which have neat ends that can be easily discerned, as I attempt the futile task of understanding.  So…just as I found myself saying to my friend earlier today, I’ve no doubt that before long, I’ll repeat, “I just don’t understand folks like that,” referring to those who lie, cheat and steal.

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