Sunday, October 30, 2011

I adore how life presents a plethora of opportunities for me to step outside myself, appreciating those with whom I’m close.  How doing so can bring me the greatest satisfaction.
Last night, I had the occasion to finally see a friend who’s spent the past three months in the hospital, tubes coming in and out of her chest. There were times we didn’t know if she’d make it and, though it was hard, we respected the decision that she needed to concentrate on getting better, not put her energy into having a host of us, her supportive friends, parading in and out of the hospital.  So, when I got to finally give her a hug last night, mindful not to disturb the four tubes still exiting her chest, my heart rejoiced that she’s still with us.

Today, I was able to relish the utter relief and joy when another friend shared that their marriage is still in tact.  That the stress and anxiety, which had raised to unbearable levels this past week have all but dissipated.  To hear the joy, missing over the past number of weeks, ring through my friend’s voice warmed me to my core.  To share in their relief made my facial muscles hurt from smiling so broadly. 

Then there was the opportunity I had to delight in another friend who’s coming to terms with a lifelong battle over self-identity.  To be able to share the joy that friend now feels as they’re coming to peace with who they are, knowing that we, their friends, will rally round, support, love, and accept them no matter what their decision.

And let’s not forget still another friend, who almost lost their life to cancer a few years back.  But they battled the odds, endured treatments and came out on top.  Some chose that time to turn their backs on this individual, not understanding why that person no longer hosted the amazing events they had in the past.  Instead of digging beneath the surface to understand a plausible reason why, there were those who simply walked away.  That hurt my friend to the point that once recovered, and wanting to celebrate life by resuming hosting more events, they were reluctant.  But I, along with others, encouraged our friend to do their heart’s calling and resume hosting.  They did, much to our delight. 

This friend and I banter back and forth with one another often, and it fulfills me to hear the pure joy in their voice and messages.  Where this friend was once hesitant to reach out again, they’re now reaping the benefits of their kindness and thirst for living.  I couldn’t be more overjoyed.

If we allow, life will lay before us opportunity after opportunity for us to rejoice in the happiness, share the sorrows of and support those who are near and dear to us.  For me, there is no greater joy than absorbing all the nuances these chances present.

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