Thursday, October 27, 2011

I’m not sure about others, but I often find great insight on those little slips of paper contained in fortune cookies.  Here’s an example.  The other day, I got one that read: if you don’t enjoy what you have, how could you be happier with more?

When I first read the fortune, it caused me to pause as I reflected on the wisdom it cited.  I mean really, think about it.  Could you imagine how great the world would be if we could only get this message out there…really out there?  Think of how wonderful it would be…how much happier folks would be…if they stopped focusing on what they don’t have and learned the discipline of valuing what they do.

So often, individuals get caught up in the rat race of trying to accumulate all that they can, failing to take into account what they already have.  Their focus askew, people can lose site of being content with what they have too consumed with buying into the media-driven mindset that if they only had more, then they’d be happy.

Let’s go back to the simple message on my fortune: if you don’t enjoy what you have, how could you be happier with more.  Think about its meaning.  Close your eyes and envision adopting this mentality.  Now open your eyes and commit to this philosophy.  In my opinion, if everyone did this, people would be far less stressed, happier to their cores and more fulfilled.  So here’s my plea to you readers.  If you aren’t already living this mentality, try putting it into motion and see how it changes your life.  After all, what do you have to lose?

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