Monday, Oct. 22, 2012

Some things we just have to let go.  It’s part of life.  It’s a matter of don’t sweat the little—and even bigger—stuff or let it consume you.  There are those who think they’re pulling this off.  But the stress they wear plastered across their faces and carry in their posturing says otherwise.

It’s not an easy thing to accept things as they are and move on.  Part of that process is to let things roll off us that might otherwise worm their way under our skin, undermining our every thought until we can concentrate on nothing else, consumed with anger, frustration, sadness, etc.

Change tends to bring out these feeling.  Not always.  But often enough to send our normally on-track selves careening down a path we’d rather avoid but somehow find ourselves on, desperate to put things right.  As they once were.  Or better than they were.

Whenever I find myself in these situations, I try to brush off whatever is bothering me.  Does that mean I’m not affected.  No.  Just that I allow myself some time.  That may include a brief stroll down self-pity lane.  Or it may cause me to venture to darker places.  But all in all, I force myself to pick myself up as soon as possible in order that I might move on.  Regain control of myself.  After all, as I opened with, some things we just have to let go.  It’s part of life.          


  1. It's good you can do that. Not all of us are that fortunate.

  2. Brushing it off is the challenge we all face anytime we're down, isn't it?

  3. Hey Eli O,

    Not saying I succeed every time. But it is a huge goal.... : -)

  4. Hey Tracy,

    Exactly! And sometimes it just helps to know that we're not alone in that challenge. : -)
