Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2012

Tough times we’re in!  Between the upcoming election, not knowing which way that will go, whether the economy will pick up…and when, people unemployed, unable to find work, pay their bills, put food on the table…yeah, it’s a cesspool of tough times in which we’re swirling.

Our resources—financial, emotional, physical and mental—are being stretched to their limits.  The result?  We’re exhausted.  Looking for anything we can cling to.  Like rats fleeing a sinking ship, we’re desperate to grab hold of something that will support us.  Bring us comfort.

Times like these it’s imperative that we find something…anything…that makes us smile—if only for a moment or two.  It can be something as simple as a friendly text.  A phone call.  Gazing into the eyes of the one we love.  Helping a stranger.  Seeking to bring a smile to our children.  It can be the whoosh of a gently breeze as it tussles our hair.  Or the scent of a fragrant flower as we pass by.  The vision of birds taking flight.  Of nature carrying on.  Of life being renewed. 

Whatever makes us smile, we need to consider ourselves worthy enough to reap such pleasures, however fleeting they may be.  For a short-lived smile that touches our soul is better than no smile at all.       


  1. Or you could just say, "Happy Halloween!"

  2. Hey Eli O,

    Happy, happy be-lated Halloween! : -))
