Thursday, Oct. 4, 2012

A few days back, I blogged about how it’s better to go with the flow rather than get all worked up when life throws a wrench in our planned routine.  I still believe that but wanted to add to the sentiment.  I also think one should be flexible rather than obsessively stick to a stringent routine.   I don’t mean to imply that things don’t need to get done and should be prioritized.  They should.  Just that doing the same thing, the same way, day after day, week after week isn’t always the best plan.  Why?  Because if have our nose so firmly pressed to our carefully planned out routine, allowing little to no flexibility, then how do we ever expect to enjoy the occasional surprise?  Or do things on a whim, spontaneity jumping to the forefront, when lesser things can afford to wait?

Life…we’re only here once.  Doesn’t it make sense to appreciate it as much as possible while we have the chance?