Thursday, Oct. 11, 2012

Seems I was a bit unclear with the topic I chose to blog about yesterday.  Allow me to clarify.  In a nutshell, I wondered why some, who seek the help of another and then find it, are reluctant to do their share of the work required to obtain whatever goal is desired.  And then, when the one who was offering help decides they’ve had enough and decide to stop helping, the person who originally sought help just won’t let it go, hounding the one who was helping them. 

They do so relentlessly, hoping to…to…I’m not quite sure what they hope to accomplish other than to demonstrate just how immature they are.  It’s disrespectful of someone who’s tried helping you to refuse to meet them at least half way.  And then, when the helper decides to pull back, you have the audacity to take that as an opening to manipulate or bully them into continuing to focus their attention on you.

What the heck?! 

That’s not mature, responsible or appreciative.  Instead, it shows how self-centered a person can be along with what disrespectful lengths they’ll go just to get their wishes met.


  1. I see your point. Yes, if you ask for help you should beat at the hands of those reaching to give you a lift.

  2. Hey Eli O,

    Glad I was able to clarify, you got what I was saying and agree with me. : -)

  3. Hey Anonymous,

    Nice to see so many agree. : -)
