Saturday, Oct. 20, 2012

For the past few days, I’ve been holding my breath and sending positive healing energy to a friend who was rushed to the ICU, battling the side effects of Agent Orange.  Though I just received word that my friend is back home, they’re far from out of the woods with their medical complications. 

Chemical warfare…what a crummy inhumane way to fight a war.  Not that any form of killing others is my ideal.  But to alter a person’s physical state—forever—through the exposure to chemicals dropped on them…geez, what could be worse?  It’s not like these people die quickly.  Or in a humane fashion.  No.  What awaits those affected by chemical warfare is a slow agonizing death that may take days, weeks, years or even decades to slowly and mercilessly eat away at their bodies and immune systems, robbing them of their strength, vitality and will to live. 

Again, the after effects of chemical warfare…what a crummy price to pay for being in the wrong place at the wrong time….


  1. Some recent occurrence or some symptom from a past exposure? I didn't think agent orange was used anymore...

    Hopefully he is going to be okay.

  2. Best prayers to your friend.

  3. Hey Tracy,

    No, not recent. This is something he's been battling for decades. So sad....

  4. Hey Anonymous,

    I nod my head in great appreciation....

    My friend may be facing a bone marrow transplant as a result of this most recent flare up. It's heartbreaking that so many are forced to suffer—a lifetime—for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Doesn't seem right, let alone fair....
