Saturday, October 6, 2012

Today, my youngest son and I got to explore where I now live, up close and personal, on our bikes.  It was fun watching the mounting excitement as my son anticipated going on the ride, him not having been on a bike in…forever.  I looked forward to the alone time we’d have to share my new living area—together—discussing things we liked best about it.

The weather was spectacular for a ride!  We rode under a canopy of crystal blue skies, dotted with  a combination of windswept and buttermilk clouds.  There was a gentle ocean breeze that cooled us as we went along.

Mile after mile our bike tires carried us along, us riding intermittently on the silky sand, pavement and also dirt paths.  Together, we marveled over how much fun we were having, unaware and unconcerned with how far we rode.  Time mattered not, as we’d planned this as our main activity for the day. 

About a third of the way into our ride, I asked my son what his favorite part of the visit had been up till then.  He thought and responded that this ride was definitely his favorite.  Both of us smiled, nodding our agreement, and pedaled on.

We rode through neighborhoods, along the sand dunes, the beach itself, a couple of harbors, a marina and a handful of beaches.  Our tires carried us mile after mile.  Each of us is a runner, so we have strong legs and enjoyed getting to use those muscles in a different way.

By the time we rolled back to the front of my house, we were surprised to learn that four and a half hours had elapsed, each of us thinking it had only been a couple.  We put our bikes away and went inside.  Once there, my son asked if I had any idea how far we’d ridden, still amazed at how long we’d been gone.  I did some calculating, based on known distances I’d driven along the route we’d taken.  Redoing the math, I announced that we’d ridden at least 23 miles! 

Both my son and I were stunned.  Neither of us had sore muscles.  The only part of us that had begun to ache, and only began the last two miles of the ride, were our bottoms from having sat on them for so long.


One of my favorite pastimes is to get out and explore the world through physical means.  Today was an absolute thrill, being able to do so with my son, us both tickled pink about how long we’d been gone, how far we’d ridden and the excitement of being able to share such a special bonding experience with one another. 

Can’t wait for our next adventure—whatever it may be!


  1. Sounds like a wonderful day.

  2. More wonderful experiences for you and your son. Glad you got a chance to enjoy yourselves.

  3. Hey Tracy,

    Indeed, it was! Couldn't imagine a better one.... : -)

  4. Hey Anonymous,

    Absolutely! And me too! : -)

  5. What a great thing to be able to do--ride bikes from your HOUSE down the beach! You're livin' the dream...

  6. Hey Eli O,'re right...hadn't thought of it that way.... : -)
