Thursday, June 7, 2012

Bizarre friends….  That’s what I have.  Wouldn’t want it any other way.

There are those whose friends consist of normal mild-mannered individuals who would blend into a crowd.  Least they might—visually.  Of course, it’s what’s beneath the surface that makes a true friend.  But my friends…well…guess it’s because I’m unique that I attract a host of friends who, like me, have a thirst for life.  An undeniable creative spark.  A yearning to be more than we are today.  To leave very few stones unturned in this journey we call life.

One such friend I met through a writing critique group several years back.  It was during the screenwriter’s strike.  He was a screenwriter, and…like many of his kind, decided that perhaps he might try his hand at writing novels when all went south with screenwriting due to the strike.  This individual has a magical spark.  Everything he puts his effort into, soars to unbelievable heights of success.

Though he did create some great stories, my friend could never quite bring himself to finish any of them.  Not an unusual problem with some who write.  But then came the opportunity for him to begin producing his own comedy shows.  He’s enjoyed great success with that venture, many shows of which, I’ve attended in support.  That undertaking has gained him access to other avenues of opportunities in the entertainment world…. 

The other day, he sent me a picture of himself in a movie that will be coming out later.  It’s a horror comedy flick where he plays a demonic clown.  Now, there are those who just have a natural fear of clowns.  I’m not one of them, but hey…to each their own.  But seeing the picture of my friend in his demon clown costume, the first thought that crossed my mind was:  wow…that’s gonna give some folks serious nightmares!

Of course, we’re all familiar with how Hollywood puts actors in costumes and makeup in order to pull off the visual effect they desire.  Usually this is with great success.  But taking a closer look at my friend in his demonic clown costume, I saw a spark of him—the real him.  Didn’t make me shiver or want to turn away.  Instead, I smiled at the fun he must have had letting that part out while filming the movie. 

Like I said.  There are those whose friends are comprised of mild-mannered unassuming individuals that would fit right in with a crowd.  Me…I have those as well.  But in addition, I have the amazing bonus of friends who dress in demonic clown costumes and look perfectly at ease doing so.  LOL.  And frankly, I wouldn’t have it any other way, for I adore my friends—all of them—and treasure the oft bizarreness some display.

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