I must say that the prospect of handling my blog myself
without further assistance from my Webmaster was a bit daunting. But, ya know, I’ve discovered it’s
really quite simple, even for someone like me who makes no pretenses of
pretending that I’m any kind of techie.
I like the format of this new site. Also, I appreciate being able to upload posts as soon as I’ve
written them rather than having to wait.
Figure I’ll play with the site a bit, make routine posts for a spell,
before I get into fancier things like trying to redesign the site or rewrite
the about me sections, etc. But
fear not, my mind is whirring away on hyper speed with all the possibilities
this new site has to offer. Just a
matter of time before I’ll begin to implement some of them.
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Well, I'm here for the blog. I read a lot of the other stuff, but once I got through that the blog is what keeps me coming back.
ReplyDeleteAs for Blogger itself, I understand it's very easy to use. That's the point, I think!
Glad it's working out!
ReplyDeleteHey Tracy,
ReplyDeleteThanks for the feedback. Helps me figure the best way to reconfigure this site. : -)
Seriously, this is such an easy site to use. My Webmaster went through many nightmares with my old sites, which is why I was nervous about having to take over on my own. But the transition has been painless. Yay! : -)
Hey Eli O,
ReplyDelete(BIG smile) Me too!!! Woohoo! : -)
Love the new blog! RSS feed even works better, commenting seems cleaner/clearing. Great!
ReplyDeleteHey Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteI'm glad the new site is working better from your end. : -) In the past, I had loads of trouble with folks being able to make comments, so this is a huge improvement. Yay! : -)