Friday, Aug. 3, 2012

A number of days back, I blogged about a fortune I’d received, telling how if you don’t plan on changing your mind, then why have one.  Along those lines, I thought I’d expound on how I believe a mind is a beautiful thing to waste.
Think of all the possibilities made available when one uses their mind.  Doesn’t matter if you’re successful in obtaining your goals.  What does matter is that you take an active role in finding ways to exercise your mind.  Flex that wonderful muscle that opens the doors to endless opportunities limited only by our imagination, circumstances and means.

I believe that doing so includes setting goals and managing expectations.  Stretching what we believe we can accomplish just a tiny bit further, to appropriate levels, of what we think we can accomplish.  Think of it this way.  When running a relay, the finish line up ahead, people on either side closing in, we’re more likely to push harder to reach the finish line first.  Likewise, if we set goals that require us to reach—a bit—then we’re one step ahead of the game, for we learn to better exercise our brain in ways that will help facilitate accomplishing our goals—or, at the very least, get within arms reach of them. 

The more we stretch and exercise our brain muscle, the stronger it becomes, allowing us to do more than once possible.  Each time we reach further to accomplish our goals, the better equipped we become to see them realized.  So why waste our most valuable muscle—our mind