Monday, Aug. 27, 2012

I recall when online services first became available.  How I was reluctant to use them, not wanting to have all my personal information “out there.”  For a long time, I only used online services when absolutely necessary.  But now, I find myself wondering how the heck anyone managed to get things done without the benefit of online convenience. 

Used to be that we’d have to frequent businesses in person to sign up for services or get things done, when now we can do so from the comfort of our own homes…on our own time table…and not feel pressured to conform our schedule around that of when businesses are opened or not.  Again, how did we manage to fit everything into our days before online convenience?

So, I’m curious how others feel about online services.  Do most now subscribe to simplify their lives?  Are there those who are still holding out, hesitant, as I was, to put all their personal information out there?  To those who are making the most of online services, what have been your experiences with them?  Have you been pleased or frustrated?  


  1. Give up. Give in. Anyone who wants your identity or private info can get it anyway they want now anyway, so why fight it? Plus, isn't the convenience worth it? What is holding you back?

  2. Hey Tracy,

    Couldn't agree more, which is why I jumped aboard the convenience online train awhile back. Haven't regretted my decision and am thrilled with the amount of time it saves. : -)
