Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2012

Earthquake season.  Here in southern California, it’s a way of life.  For six to eight weeks each year, the extreme heat and humidity cause pressure to be released from our fault lines.  Some might freak out by this, but not me.  I enjoy earthquakes—well, the littler ones.  My motto: so long as a building isn’t lying atop me in the end, I’m good with earthquakes. 

I was just on the phone, scheduling an install.  The rep with whom I spoke was from another state and was frightened and fascinated when I told her that I’d just experienced an earthquake while talking with her.  My oldest daughter, who’s here visiting from Arizona, came running in the room and informed me that she was over earthquakes and was leaving to head back to Arizona where the ground didn’t shake.


I was still on the phone at the time.  The rep overheard and concurred with my daughter.  Then she told me she’d never spoken to anyone as they experienced an earthquake.  She did share how she’d been on the phone when people politely told her they’d have to call her back since a tornado was heading towards them.


That made me laugh and I joked that, yes, it was probably best for those folks to wait to schedule an install to see if they’d still have a house after the tornado touched down.

Oh, my!

Listening to the rep’s reaction to my calm acceptance of the earthquake and how others were calm about the tornadoes headed their way, made me realize just how adaptive we are.  How we really can become accustomed to living in the strangest situations.  How we adopt them as our “norm.”

So, though I expressed to the rep that I’d experienced a tornado and soooo wasn’t a fan, I’ll continue to roll with my earthquakes, knowing they’re a common part of living in southern California.


  1. Crazy. Earthquake Season!

    Just so you know, I tried posting comments for the last couple of days but the captcha password verification thing wasn't working. Seems to fine now. Now I can go to sleep! ;0

  2. Hey Tracy,

    Sorry for the trouble you had posting a comment. Glad it's back to working now. : -)
