Thursday, Aug. 2, 2012

Failure is not an option.  This is a standard by which I endeavor to live my life.  Doesn’t mean I’ll always succeed.  Least not the first go round.  But more often than not, if I put my mind to something, I can find a way to make things happen.  Again, this isn’t to imply that things will go exactly my way.  And that’s okay.  In fact, it’s more than okay, for if things always turned out the way I envisioned, then where would lie the challenge in life?  Those things that I want/need to strive to accomplish?

Think about it.  If I begin each and every day with the mentality that failure is not an option, then I don’t open myself up to having an easy “out.”  Instead, I raise my personal bar to strive for more, reach higher and work to claim those things that are important or necessary for me—in my particular life.  Doesn’t mean those things would be appropriate for someone else.  They may, but likely what I focus on is unique to my set of circumstances.

By maintaining that failure is not an option, I allow outside influences to fall away, those things that might otherwise cause me to get caught up in needless drama/chaos.  By avoiding this, I’m able to apply that energy to accomplishing what I set out to do.  By doing such, I’m more apt to succeed.  Though I may not always succeed, I take comfort in that I put in my best effort.  As long as I continue to do so, in my book, even if I fall short my mark, that’s still considered a success, for I didn’t let myself down by taking the easy way out.      


  1. I have the same imagine my surprise when I fail all the time! ;-)

  2. Hey Tracy,

    LOL. Yeah, that's when I just laugh... a lot. : -)
