Wednesday, August 1, 2012

If we take a step back and survey life, the view is mighty impressive.  Children are born.  Relationships begin.  End.  People move on.  Lives end.  Successes are discovered.  Hardships have a way of sneaking up on us.  And through it all…life goes on.

Even in our deepest hours of despair, life doesn’t slow.  Neither does it allow us to catch our breath, instead driving home the message that only the strong survive this game we call life.  And even then, none of us get out of it alive.


Not only does life go on despite what’s directly happening in our inner circle, but also as expressed by the last sentence, it has a fairly twisted sense of humor.  And we, driven to continue on, have one of two choices.  We can either fall by the wayside and let life get the better of us.  Or we can boldly trudge ahead, oft unsure of where those steps will carry us, but with an ironclad determination that at least we are moving forward.

So I wonder….  If this is the enlightenment I have at the midpoint of my life, what view will I have by the time I reach my own life’s end?  That time when I know it’s game over.  Wonder if I’ll still maintain the mentality that life’s pretty darn impressive?   


  1. Wow, that's a little depressing...

  2. I would imagine you will be quite a bit MORE enlightened by then, don't you?

  3. Hey Eli O,

    Hmmm...wasn't intending it to be depressing. Only meant to spotlight how we have the option to have life get to us or take control of the course of our journey.... : -)

  4. Hey Tracy,

    I would certainly hope so. (smiles)
